So I promised y’all a TGIF blog, well… here it is! I don’t know what to write about really… I was hoping my day would be eventful, but nothing ‘bloggable’ has happened yet… so I’ll just do this thing someone tagged me in:
1. PA to a Lawyer (if you can call it that. I typed ‘sotay’, my fingers wan peel!)
2. CyberCafe Attendant
3. Script-Writing
4. Err… and my Mom pays me to pay attention in school (hehe!)
1. Psychologist/Shrink/Counsellor (I might actually get there, I see the signs…)
2. Ballet dancer (does that even count as a job?)
3. PA to Weezy F. Baby
4. Profiler for the FBI
1. Basic Instincts I&II
2. Double Wedding (just to drool at O-T Fagbenle over and over)
3. Seducing Mr. Perfect
4. Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married Too
1. Lagos
2. Ijebu-Igbo
3. …
4. … (why did they insist on four this and four that, by the way!)
1. 24
2. Brothers & Sisters
3. Teju Babyface Show (what’s happening with that, anyways?)
4. Naruto (this is supposed to be on No. 1 buh I’m too lazy to move it)
1. Ado-Ekiti
2. Benin
3. Ibadan
4. Greece (in my dreams)
1. Blogger (to do my blog rounds)
2. Facebook, most def
3. The Frisky
4. Google (why don’t I see Google as a website anymore?)
1. Coleslaw with plenty of Mayonnaise
2. Fufu with self-made Efo Riro with plenty ponmo
3. Does Beef Burger/Shawarma count?
4. Indomie with diced pepper, and sardines
1. Octopus, Snails
2. Fried, broiled, boiled, steamed, bbq’d, roasted human beings (I would never!)
3. Beans (esp. with Plaintain, it disgusts me)
4. Amala (even if it’s with the most delicious soup on earth)
1. Goodtime’s beef burger or hotdog
2. Iya Joe’s Rice with the huge huge ponmo
3. Spaghetti cooked by my brother
4. Chivita’s Power of 5
1. My spring bed
2. Novels
3. Clothes
4. My Yao Ming, Steve Nash & co. wallpaper (yes Abbie, I still have that wallpaper!)
1. A really huge mirror
2. More closet space
3. A Persian carpet
4. More Clothes
1. A bra
2. Leggings
3. Black nail polish
4. Mascara
1. On a beach (the weather is unbearably hot!)
2. With “him”
3. Sweet Sensations, Ogba
4. Anywhere that I don’t have to put on too many clothing
1. In Badly Drawn Dobs' head (somebody’s got to figure out how that guy thinks)
2. Greece
3. With O-T Fagbenle
4. Konoha; Naruto’s Konoha
1. God
2. Myself
3. My BFF
4. Emily Blunt
5. Teju Babyface
1. Does cussing in my mind serve as thinking cos that’s what I’m doing, cussing PHCN
2. To go visit my friend or not
3. To call a particular strong-headed person or not
4. What to eat!
1. Red Wine
2. Phones
3. Strong, masculine legs and arms
4. Sleeping in the dark
1. I love burials than weddings
2. Sarcastic and blunt
3. I wear a fake smile half the time
4. I like holding something to my chest; my handbag, my pillow, but never a teddy bear, na ahn!
Finally! It’s over! Phew!
It’s still the hot Friday… but thank God I have that bottle of ‘Carlo Rossi’ cooling just for me in the fridge (thanks to my Uncle!). TGIF peeps, get wild tonight! I know I will… *wink*
Friday, October 21, 2011
Guys & Skinny Jeans!
I proudly possess a black pencil jean, I call her Sally. Yes, my pencil jean is a ‘her’ and yes! I named her! I have this habit of naming my favourite things. Anyways, I’ve been wearing her for a long time now and I am oh so reluctant to bury her just yet… the way she carves out my thighs and that little thing I call a behind, I just love! We all know how the guys love a girl with nice straight legs, with the curves right where they oughta be at! I’m not saying that’s why I love my dear Sally… okay, I lied! That’s why I love Sally, plus me and her go way back.
To the point… so I come back from school one afternoon and my brother walks into the living room wearing nothing butfl a blue jean. There’s nothing wrong with that picture, right? But there was, at least back then there was! His jean was cut skinny! The words were outta my mouth before I could control myself “dude, is someone bending you over now?!” You can imagine all the nasty names he called me, one of them being ‘old school’. He said I was ‘old school’ cos I didn’t know skinny jeans was what was in vogue now for the guys! Skinny jeans! How?! What was more shocking was that he no longer owned one regular-cut jean… all the jeans in his wardrobe had somehow transformed to skinny jeans.
That same week, I was flipping through a Nigerian fashion magazine, and there was this dude in this really cool shirt and skinny-cut trouser! I checked the description below the picture and they called this particular piece of clothing “a carrot pant”. What? So it doesn’t end on jeans, they’ve extended it to trousers too? Carrot pant, indeed!
Now you ask me what my take is on skinny jeans/carrot pants? I’ll tell you… even though I regularly call my brother ‘gay’, I must be sincere and say those skinny jeans look good on the dude; and that guy in the magazine, that orange carrot pant looked extremely lovely on him! However, there is always that other side of the coin, innit?
I was at a party some weeks back and this dude was in skinny jean (that no longer surprises me!). The thing was cut too tight and too slim, for a boy! In my mind, I was like “okay, maybe this guy has nice legs, but now I don’t even wanna see anymore!” I’m a sucker for nice, hot, strong, masculine legs… but thing is, even if that guy possessed such, the jean had already pissed me off! Dude, obviously drew bad attention that day! Somehow, I remembered my ex. Let’s call him Bob. For all I lacked in ‘backside’, Bob made up for it! That man’s got very lush behind that I love to grab all the time! Now, imagine Bob in skinny jeans! I don’t even wanna picture it, I love my mind’s eye too much, don’t want it to go blind! Whoever said ‘cut your coat according to your size’ was definitely not talking about that lush behind and skinny jeans. LWKMD!
My conclusion? I think we should all just put on what fits us and makes us free (to move and from gossip!). One tiny problem I might have though is that, what would a guy in skinny jean do if he gets a hard-on, with hardly a pocket to put his hand in! #dilemma
To the point… so I come back from school one afternoon and my brother walks into the living room wearing nothing butfl a blue jean. There’s nothing wrong with that picture, right? But there was, at least back then there was! His jean was cut skinny! The words were outta my mouth before I could control myself “dude, is someone bending you over now?!” You can imagine all the nasty names he called me, one of them being ‘old school’. He said I was ‘old school’ cos I didn’t know skinny jeans was what was in vogue now for the guys! Skinny jeans! How?! What was more shocking was that he no longer owned one regular-cut jean… all the jeans in his wardrobe had somehow transformed to skinny jeans.
That same week, I was flipping through a Nigerian fashion magazine, and there was this dude in this really cool shirt and skinny-cut trouser! I checked the description below the picture and they called this particular piece of clothing “a carrot pant”. What? So it doesn’t end on jeans, they’ve extended it to trousers too? Carrot pant, indeed!
Now you ask me what my take is on skinny jeans/carrot pants? I’ll tell you… even though I regularly call my brother ‘gay’, I must be sincere and say those skinny jeans look good on the dude; and that guy in the magazine, that orange carrot pant looked extremely lovely on him! However, there is always that other side of the coin, innit?
I was at a party some weeks back and this dude was in skinny jean (that no longer surprises me!). The thing was cut too tight and too slim, for a boy! In my mind, I was like “okay, maybe this guy has nice legs, but now I don’t even wanna see anymore!” I’m a sucker for nice, hot, strong, masculine legs… but thing is, even if that guy possessed such, the jean had already pissed me off! Dude, obviously drew bad attention that day! Somehow, I remembered my ex. Let’s call him Bob. For all I lacked in ‘backside’, Bob made up for it! That man’s got very lush behind that I love to grab all the time! Now, imagine Bob in skinny jeans! I don’t even wanna picture it, I love my mind’s eye too much, don’t want it to go blind! Whoever said ‘cut your coat according to your size’ was definitely not talking about that lush behind and skinny jeans. LWKMD!
My conclusion? I think we should all just put on what fits us and makes us free (to move and from gossip!). One tiny problem I might have though is that, what would a guy in skinny jean do if he gets a hard-on, with hardly a pocket to put his hand in! #dilemma
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Most of you already know how much I loathe Fuji Music, never have been a fan, never will be… I got none against those who are fans tho. Back here in school, if you get on a bus or a cab, it’s always one Fuji song or the other playing on the car stereo… it pisses me off and makes me pray the driver would speed up and get to my destination fast. You can imagine how happy I was on this particular day, when we got on a cab, me and my girl, Nikky… trying to get to the comfort of our rooms after a very long day. Inside the cab, the driver had Terry G spilling his regular nonsense through the speakers. I love that dude’s songs sometimes; weird? Well, so did the driver cos he bobbed his head all the way as Mr. Free Me did his thing (and so did I). Then the song ended, and 2Face’s African Queen came on, the driver’s countenance and mood immediately changed and he fumbled with the player, trying to get the next track to play. At that point, I knew something was wrong, either this dude wasn’t so big on 2Face or he wasn’t big at that moment on whoever was/is the queen of his heart… next track came on alright, and it was PSquare’s I love you; now I was certain something was terribly wrong as this driver kept soliloquising saying “I don’t love you, you’re not my African queen”… mumbling and muttering stuff to himself… he succeeded in changing the track again, to my own detriment this time tho, to a Fuji song… *sighs* Now he was happy, screaming at the top of his voice, singing along with whoever the Fuij artiste was.
I’m not going to pick on Fuji music today, that’s not the aim of this blog… the aim of this blog (if you’re attentive, you’d have gotten it) is about relationships… yeah, your relationship… with whoever you’re dating or married to. I’m not a psychologist/relationship analyst (yet, but I try *grins*) but I could read stuff from that cabbie’s actions, gestures and emotions that day… that dude was hurt, real bad! Maybe some native pretended to be in love with him and took all his cab money… haha! Ok, not funny… anyways, that occurrence got me reflecting on things and a question popped up “What’s your love-life like? What’s your marriage like?” how many of us hear a song on the radio and want to quickly change the station cos that song brings really bad memories… how many of us wanna turn that volume up cos that song just delights your heart and soul with the thoughts of that beloved? Does that song make you cuss, or does it make you grin real wide in pleasure or amusement?
Take a few seconds, put yourself on the hot seat and answer those questions... is she/he the love of your life or the terror of your life; does he/she make you wanna run home to meet him/her, or are they like that kid in ‘Case 39’ with that frightful “Why, Emily? Why, Emily? Why, Emily?” on her lips? Does the situation of your romance make you wanna chill and listen to that RnB playing on the radio, or does it make you wanna grab the radio in search of anything else, even a Fuji song when you’re not a fan? Does your heart quicken in fear when you remember your partner, or does it quicken in delectation?
Answer those questions… maybe you’ll end up doing some good for yourself today! As for me… I got that Bryan Adam’s ‘Please Forgive Me’ playing in my head since last night, and my heart races when I picture that face! Did someone just ask “in fear or delight”? Why, delight of course! *wink* xoxo
I’m not going to pick on Fuji music today, that’s not the aim of this blog… the aim of this blog (if you’re attentive, you’d have gotten it) is about relationships… yeah, your relationship… with whoever you’re dating or married to. I’m not a psychologist/relationship analyst (yet, but I try *grins*) but I could read stuff from that cabbie’s actions, gestures and emotions that day… that dude was hurt, real bad! Maybe some native pretended to be in love with him and took all his cab money… haha! Ok, not funny… anyways, that occurrence got me reflecting on things and a question popped up “What’s your love-life like? What’s your marriage like?” how many of us hear a song on the radio and want to quickly change the station cos that song brings really bad memories… how many of us wanna turn that volume up cos that song just delights your heart and soul with the thoughts of that beloved? Does that song make you cuss, or does it make you grin real wide in pleasure or amusement?
Take a few seconds, put yourself on the hot seat and answer those questions... is she/he the love of your life or the terror of your life; does he/she make you wanna run home to meet him/her, or are they like that kid in ‘Case 39’ with that frightful “Why, Emily? Why, Emily? Why, Emily?” on her lips? Does the situation of your romance make you wanna chill and listen to that RnB playing on the radio, or does it make you wanna grab the radio in search of anything else, even a Fuji song when you’re not a fan? Does your heart quicken in fear when you remember your partner, or does it quicken in delectation?
Answer those questions… maybe you’ll end up doing some good for yourself today! As for me… I got that Bryan Adam’s ‘Please Forgive Me’ playing in my head since last night, and my heart races when I picture that face! Did someone just ask “in fear or delight”? Why, delight of course! *wink* xoxo
Friday, October 14, 2011
My Life Would Suck Without You, Not!
“Guess this means you’re sorry/ you’re standing out my door… guess this means you take back all you’ve said before/ like how much you wanted anyone but me/ said you’d never come back/ but here you are again!!!”
5:30 a.m. – Usually, I’m still supposed to be having those sweet dreams; those ones where I’m on a world tour with the love of my life, or those ones where Bow Wow takes me shopping, grabbing all the Christian Louboutin shoes in sight (not like I wear heels in real life…). Yeah those sweet dreams! So you’re wondering why I’m awake? I mean, I can be an insomniac sometimes… but not this time. This time I want to sleep so bad, hide under my covers and keep warm, but no! I can’t do that… I have a deadline to meet... #projecttinz! The person that said final year no be beanz is totally on point!
Anyways, my ears are plugged (as usual)… Kelly Clarkson’s got me nodding my head (*hits head against the wall* oww!) Now you know the reason I put those lyrics up there first. As I was listening to ‘My life would suck without you’, I was browsing through – in my head – my archive of conversations; I couldn’t help but shake my head. Doesn’t it just annoy you when people come back to apologise for something they said earlier to you? Could be weeks back, could be years ago, could be minutes earlier… they look you in the face (or the cowards text you or post on your facebook wall/inbox) and say a lot of rubbish and hurtful stuff, only for them to come back later to apologise. Does it piss you off? It does? It doesn’t? Well, it f**king infuriates me!
“Babe, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say all that stuff, I didn’t mean none of it…”
“Look, I was stupid, I shoulda known better…”
Bla… bla… BLAH!
Let me clarify things here… I’m not talking about people who talk and say stuff cos they’re hurt too or angry – I got none against y’all but maybe you need to work on that anger and temperament. I’m talking about people who look you in the face, not drunk, not high on something, not in pains; people who just like to hurt you on purpose, who like to trample on your self-esteem and self-worth, people who want to infect you with their inferiority complex! Also people who would like to save face and the best ways they think they can do that is talk rubbish.
Okay, so a guy calls you names, tells you you’re not even close to being human… and other nasty stuff… weeks later, he waltzes back into your life and tell you sorry and your dumbass thinks he’s back cos you guys belong together? You’re dumb and Kelly Clarkson lied!!! You don’t belong together… was he drunk when he called you names and said stuff about your parents?
Or a girl leaves you cos you’re broke, she calls you names and compares you with your friends, walks away and then comes back when your ass is all rich and e’ertything… and you wanna take her back cos you think she’s back cos you guys belong together and your life would suck without her? So wrong! That'll be just so retarded!
Your life cannot suck without an idiot that calls you names and makes you feel less of yourself… someone who makes you feel like say you be chinco! Your life would totally rock without that person… trust me! Just thot you should know…
5:30 a.m. – Usually, I’m still supposed to be having those sweet dreams; those ones where I’m on a world tour with the love of my life, or those ones where Bow Wow takes me shopping, grabbing all the Christian Louboutin shoes in sight (not like I wear heels in real life…). Yeah those sweet dreams! So you’re wondering why I’m awake? I mean, I can be an insomniac sometimes… but not this time. This time I want to sleep so bad, hide under my covers and keep warm, but no! I can’t do that… I have a deadline to meet... #projecttinz! The person that said final year no be beanz is totally on point!
Anyways, my ears are plugged (as usual)… Kelly Clarkson’s got me nodding my head (*hits head against the wall* oww!) Now you know the reason I put those lyrics up there first. As I was listening to ‘My life would suck without you’, I was browsing through – in my head – my archive of conversations; I couldn’t help but shake my head. Doesn’t it just annoy you when people come back to apologise for something they said earlier to you? Could be weeks back, could be years ago, could be minutes earlier… they look you in the face (or the cowards text you or post on your facebook wall/inbox) and say a lot of rubbish and hurtful stuff, only for them to come back later to apologise. Does it piss you off? It does? It doesn’t? Well, it f**king infuriates me!
“Babe, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say all that stuff, I didn’t mean none of it…”
“Look, I was stupid, I shoulda known better…”
Bla… bla… BLAH!
Let me clarify things here… I’m not talking about people who talk and say stuff cos they’re hurt too or angry – I got none against y’all but maybe you need to work on that anger and temperament. I’m talking about people who look you in the face, not drunk, not high on something, not in pains; people who just like to hurt you on purpose, who like to trample on your self-esteem and self-worth, people who want to infect you with their inferiority complex! Also people who would like to save face and the best ways they think they can do that is talk rubbish.
Okay, so a guy calls you names, tells you you’re not even close to being human… and other nasty stuff… weeks later, he waltzes back into your life and tell you sorry and your dumbass thinks he’s back cos you guys belong together? You’re dumb and Kelly Clarkson lied!!! You don’t belong together… was he drunk when he called you names and said stuff about your parents?
Or a girl leaves you cos you’re broke, she calls you names and compares you with your friends, walks away and then comes back when your ass is all rich and e’ertything… and you wanna take her back cos you think she’s back cos you guys belong together and your life would suck without her? So wrong! That'll be just so retarded!
Your life cannot suck without an idiot that calls you names and makes you feel less of yourself… someone who makes you feel like say you be chinco! Your life would totally rock without that person… trust me! Just thot you should know…
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
My Goth Wedding:
So in one week I became a god-mother (I think) and an aunt (I'm sure!)... phew! Not an easy task... lol. Anyways, big shoutout to my friend, Wale Owolabi on his baby; and to my brother, Rossie on his baby too!
To the point>>> plenty of my friends are saying it's my turn... well, I no argue o, e fit be my turn but at least wedding go come first na, no be so? Wedding... now that got me thinking and visualizing... and I decided, I want A GOTH WEDDING!
I'm not going to narrate much, I got everything that I planned in pictures... ready?
Don't you just love the black feathers and one rose flower concept?! Exquisite!
It's either this:
or this:
We'll choose one of these two:
Have a hard time choosing between these two:
But I think I like the one with the castle better...
9. MY GOTH BRIDESMAIDS (will be dressed like this)
I was thinking 'My Love' by The Sins of Thy Beloved would be nice? Lol... Listen to it:
Hahaha... that's pretty much everything I have planned for the wedding proper; for the wedding night, I digged up a very sexy... I'll just show you:
#droolmuch? Pele... Lmao!
So all I have to find now is MY GOTH GROOM... or maybe I've found him... will keep you posted *wink wink*
To the point>>> plenty of my friends are saying it's my turn... well, I no argue o, e fit be my turn but at least wedding go come first na, no be so? Wedding... now that got me thinking and visualizing... and I decided, I want A GOTH WEDDING!
I'm not going to narrate much, I got everything that I planned in pictures... ready?
Don't you just love the black feathers and one rose flower concept?! Exquisite!
It's either this:
or this:
We'll choose one of these two:
Have a hard time choosing between these two:
But I think I like the one with the castle better...
9. MY GOTH BRIDESMAIDS (will be dressed like this)
I was thinking 'My Love' by The Sins of Thy Beloved would be nice? Lol... Listen to it:
The Sins Of Thy Beloved - My Love .mp3 | ||
![]() | ||
![]() | Found at bee mp3 search engine | ![]() |
Hahaha... that's pretty much everything I have planned for the wedding proper; for the wedding night, I digged up a very sexy... I'll just show you:
#droolmuch? Pele... Lmao!
So all I have to find now is MY GOTH GROOM... or maybe I've found him... will keep you posted *wink wink*
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I was not aware that my friend was looking at me, shaking her head as I eyed that ponmo in the pot, planning how to claim it for my already watering-mouth... She claims the day I stop eating ponmo, then the world is about to end then. That's Nike... she could never understand what my obsession is about. Cy, on the other hand thinks I love ponmo too much that it's almost unhealthy... ah ahn, how na?!
The point of this blog... there are some edibles that I can never resist! NEVER!!! If you plan to poison me, then this blog will be really useful to you cos there's no way I can turn down the things I'm about to list... Let's start from the obvious:
I love ponmo. If there's a word greater than love, I would use it... especially the soft, juicy ones; the ones that has been soaked in stew for a long time... gawd! Just thinking about it is orgasmic. I'll delight you with 2 pictures:
How can I love this to an unhealthy point? Tseww... beef! Talking about beef, on to the next one.
There are days I crave a beef burger like crazy, and I must have it ni o. You can imagine how excited I was when this new eatery opened not so far from my crib, and it turned out they have the best beef burger in my neighbourhood! Trust me, I know...
Ok, let's move on to the ones that are less of a meal...
Hahaha! I just remembered the look on my friend's face when I told him how much I love Cheese Balls and milk! I like the cheese taste and the way it just melts in your mouth, plus the feeling in your mouth when you gulp that milk and let it trickle down your throat, letting that creamy taste cling to the roof of your mouth.
Did someone just say "Are you 5?" Lemme shock you with my next cant-resist.
Yup! You read right! Cerelac. I remember how I used to sneak to the baby's room, open the lid of the tin quietly and scoop spoons of that crunchy Cerelac into my palm... hahaha! Too bad the baby's all grown now. My future baby better not be stingy, we gonna be eating that Cerelac together. God bless Nestle!
"...with lots of mayonnaise please" That's what I told the attendant at Nando's. I wanted to have Pizza, but I just had to have that Coleslaw too... so I ordered both. I love Coleslaw, need I say more?!
Relax, I don't lick 'em together... just separately. If I'm mad at you, all you have to do is carry a bottle/jar of these two. I love to just dip my finger in the container and lick. I never get enough!
Simply put, I'm addicted!
All close friends of mine know I can't resist Coffee Chewing-gum... I love the smell, the lingering taste of coffee in my mouth; it isn't just the same when you drink coffee! Plus it keeps me awake in class!
I should tell you the story of the day Snickers saved my life... (and major league shoutout to CY... thanks for bringing the Snickers!). Anyways, I love chocolate but I looooove Snickers!
Ok, don't freak out for the last 2...
10. LIME (aka Osan wewe)
Lmao! Told you not to freak out! I just like that the thing is sour (same reason why I like 'correct' garri). I like to cut it in half, and squeeze straight on my tongue (and it ends up cutting my tongue); sometimes I squeeze it in water and drink...
the final one is my favourite fruit! weird?
I've said it all... It's my favourite fruit. I love the crunchy, not-so-ripe ones, all green and harder than my teeth!
Are y'all gonna warn me about Appendicitis now? Leave that to Iya Faith, she's been doing a great job of it since when I became that kid who realised there's no fruit like my beloved Guava!
The point of this blog... there are some edibles that I can never resist! NEVER!!! If you plan to poison me, then this blog will be really useful to you cos there's no way I can turn down the things I'm about to list... Let's start from the obvious:
I love ponmo. If there's a word greater than love, I would use it... especially the soft, juicy ones; the ones that has been soaked in stew for a long time... gawd! Just thinking about it is orgasmic. I'll delight you with 2 pictures:
How can I love this to an unhealthy point? Tseww... beef! Talking about beef, on to the next one.
There are days I crave a beef burger like crazy, and I must have it ni o. You can imagine how excited I was when this new eatery opened not so far from my crib, and it turned out they have the best beef burger in my neighbourhood! Trust me, I know...
Ok, let's move on to the ones that are less of a meal...
Hahaha! I just remembered the look on my friend's face when I told him how much I love Cheese Balls and milk! I like the cheese taste and the way it just melts in your mouth, plus the feeling in your mouth when you gulp that milk and let it trickle down your throat, letting that creamy taste cling to the roof of your mouth.
Did someone just say "Are you 5?" Lemme shock you with my next cant-resist.
Yup! You read right! Cerelac. I remember how I used to sneak to the baby's room, open the lid of the tin quietly and scoop spoons of that crunchy Cerelac into my palm... hahaha! Too bad the baby's all grown now. My future baby better not be stingy, we gonna be eating that Cerelac together. God bless Nestle!
"...with lots of mayonnaise please" That's what I told the attendant at Nando's. I wanted to have Pizza, but I just had to have that Coleslaw too... so I ordered both. I love Coleslaw, need I say more?!
Relax, I don't lick 'em together... just separately. If I'm mad at you, all you have to do is carry a bottle/jar of these two. I love to just dip my finger in the container and lick. I never get enough!
Simply put, I'm addicted!
All close friends of mine know I can't resist Coffee Chewing-gum... I love the smell, the lingering taste of coffee in my mouth; it isn't just the same when you drink coffee! Plus it keeps me awake in class!
I should tell you the story of the day Snickers saved my life... (and major league shoutout to CY... thanks for bringing the Snickers!). Anyways, I love chocolate but I looooove Snickers!
Ok, don't freak out for the last 2...
10. LIME (aka Osan wewe)
Lmao! Told you not to freak out! I just like that the thing is sour (same reason why I like 'correct' garri). I like to cut it in half, and squeeze straight on my tongue (and it ends up cutting my tongue); sometimes I squeeze it in water and drink...
the final one is my favourite fruit! weird?
I've said it all... It's my favourite fruit. I love the crunchy, not-so-ripe ones, all green and harder than my teeth!
Are y'all gonna warn me about Appendicitis now? Leave that to Iya Faith, she's been doing a great job of it since when I became that kid who realised there's no fruit like my beloved Guava!
Monday, October 10, 2011
So yesterday was Mission Sunday... service was a little _______ (fill in the gap). Anyways, a thousand thoughts was going through my head (as usual), and a smile came to my face when I remembered Dobs' Hotel Insomnia It's a friend's idea... he created the page where all insomniacs (and I'm becoming one) can hang!
While I was thinking of this online for-insomniacs hotel and some of the crazy daily customers, I scribbled something at the back of my sermon note (again). And I think I should be posting this on that page right now and not here... oh well! *shrugs*
The queen seeks sleep
But sleep has become the enemy
Victory is not sure
The chariots of the kingdom can do naught
The queen tosses and turns
Forced to project a million thoughts
How can she conquer this foe?
That has caused her eyes not to close
The king's hands are tied
Cluelessness causes him to sigh
What shall we give to sleep
For it to agree to visit
Lullabies have no effect
Foot massage can't the restlessness suppress
The chambers are lit and alive
Till sweet sleep arrives
***I didn't even know I was writing until I was done...
>>> Back to Mission Sunday, y'all should give to the poor when you can, millions are suffering and the Lord loves a cheerful giver! Maybe a picture will touch your heart, yeah?:
While I was thinking of this online for-insomniacs hotel and some of the crazy daily customers, I scribbled something at the back of my sermon note (again). And I think I should be posting this on that page right now and not here... oh well! *shrugs*
The queen seeks sleep
But sleep has become the enemy
Victory is not sure
The chariots of the kingdom can do naught
The queen tosses and turns
Forced to project a million thoughts
How can she conquer this foe?
That has caused her eyes not to close
The king's hands are tied
Cluelessness causes him to sigh
What shall we give to sleep
For it to agree to visit
Lullabies have no effect
Foot massage can't the restlessness suppress
The chambers are lit and alive
Till sweet sleep arrives
***I didn't even know I was writing until I was done...
>>> Back to Mission Sunday, y'all should give to the poor when you can, millions are suffering and the Lord loves a cheerful giver! Maybe a picture will touch your heart, yeah?:
Wrong Side of FB
If I'd known, I woulda gone back to sleep after I checked my FB this morning... now, I totally regret getting up from my bed at all!
So the first thing I do when I wake up (after I pray) is get on my Facebook - yeah yeah addict like me, tell me something I don't already know. The first post I see is a friend's whining about how he slept off on the couch last night and he woke up to his Mom's voice this morning and fell on the floor, thinking he was on his bed... somehow sha, that translated to him waking up on the wrong side of ... well, he didn't write of what... he just wrote "on the wrong side"
*scrolls down* The next post I saw was a little ... funny, for lack of a better word. The guy wrote "Baba God, I HELL o". Hell? What! C'mon! I've been looking for a gentle way to address this spelling issue... I think we should all adopt one rule - Can't spell it, won't write it. 'Hail' and 'Hell' don't even sound alike... and they mean totally different things.
Now thanks to these two updates, and some other contributing factors, my day started in the worst possible way... I decided to have noodles for breakfast, went on about my business of cooking the noodles (I no kuku fit chop pass one Super Pack); minutes later, breakfast was ready! Oya turn the food from the pot into the dish... na im i pour everything for floor o... omo, see tears for my eyes! I just walked to my favourite couch and laid down... then other bad things happened too, really can't go into details now; all I know is that, indeed I had woken up on the wrong side of FB!!!
So the first thing I do when I wake up (after I pray) is get on my Facebook - yeah yeah addict like me, tell me something I don't already know. The first post I see is a friend's whining about how he slept off on the couch last night and he woke up to his Mom's voice this morning and fell on the floor, thinking he was on his bed... somehow sha, that translated to him waking up on the wrong side of ... well, he didn't write of what... he just wrote "on the wrong side"
*scrolls down* The next post I saw was a little ... funny, for lack of a better word. The guy wrote "Baba God, I HELL o". Hell? What! C'mon! I've been looking for a gentle way to address this spelling issue... I think we should all adopt one rule - Can't spell it, won't write it. 'Hail' and 'Hell' don't even sound alike... and they mean totally different things.
Now thanks to these two updates, and some other contributing factors, my day started in the worst possible way... I decided to have noodles for breakfast, went on about my business of cooking the noodles (I no kuku fit chop pass one Super Pack); minutes later, breakfast was ready! Oya turn the food from the pot into the dish... na im i pour everything for floor o... omo, see tears for my eyes! I just walked to my favourite couch and laid down... then other bad things happened too, really can't go into details now; all I know is that, indeed I had woken up on the wrong side of FB!!!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Saturday DryCleaning
Here I am (again) making faces at the people preparing for weddings and receptions, and also wondering what to do with my day... Eventually I decide to go hang with my friend that owns a drycleaning outlet, let's see those dirty clothes people! From normal dirty clothes to blood-stained shorts, oil-stained shirts, needful-of-starch shirts, wrinkled gowns... all I saw was clothes!!! (and a lot of handsome customers! hehehe)
Ok, so the first thing you do is empty out the pockets of the shirts and slacks. That's where the gist is:
Guy #1's pocket... lots and lots of tooth-pick! Hello! Does this guy own a 'buka' or what? Abi he stole the tooth-picks from the 'buka'?! Na wa o.
Guy #2's pocket... Gold Circle Condoms. Some folks really need to learn to pick/clean up after themselves... I wonder where this one is coming from with condoms in his pocket. Did someone say "wonder no more?" SMH.
Guy #3's pocket... a G-fucking-string! The shock sent different thoughts reeling through my head... is this gstring here cos some uncalled-for and unforseen interruption occurred? - #coitusinterruptus (lol!) or is it here cos it's a souvenir? Some guys have really crazy fetishes... what am I saying sef? Ain't fetishes supposed to be crazy?! So, I'm thinking maybe this dude's fetish is keeping the lady's underwear as souvenir... in my head I'm picturing the guy at his office desk, carefully bringing out the gstring from his suit pocket and holding it long and hard to his nose, breathing it in... eeewww! I don't know about other ladies, but I don't consider that sexy at all! Well, poor dude, he just had to forget his beloved souvenir (assuming that's what it is)... cos I didn't even think twice about throwing it away!
At that point, I felt I'd had enough... so I come back to my apartment to do some of my own drycleaning and guess what I found in my pockets...
Meanwhile, here's a little picture gift for guys with gstring fetishes, enjoy!
Ok, so the first thing you do is empty out the pockets of the shirts and slacks. That's where the gist is:
Guy #1's pocket... lots and lots of tooth-pick! Hello! Does this guy own a 'buka' or what? Abi he stole the tooth-picks from the 'buka'?! Na wa o.
Guy #2's pocket... Gold Circle Condoms. Some folks really need to learn to pick/clean up after themselves... I wonder where this one is coming from with condoms in his pocket. Did someone say "wonder no more?" SMH.
Guy #3's pocket... a G-fucking-string! The shock sent different thoughts reeling through my head... is this gstring here cos some uncalled-for and unforseen interruption occurred? - #coitusinterruptus (lol!) or is it here cos it's a souvenir? Some guys have really crazy fetishes... what am I saying sef? Ain't fetishes supposed to be crazy?! So, I'm thinking maybe this dude's fetish is keeping the lady's underwear as souvenir... in my head I'm picturing the guy at his office desk, carefully bringing out the gstring from his suit pocket and holding it long and hard to his nose, breathing it in... eeewww! I don't know about other ladies, but I don't consider that sexy at all! Well, poor dude, he just had to forget his beloved souvenir (assuming that's what it is)... cos I didn't even think twice about throwing it away!
At that point, I felt I'd had enough... so I come back to my apartment to do some of my own drycleaning and guess what I found in my pockets...
Meanwhile, here's a little picture gift for guys with gstring fetishes, enjoy!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Before Graduation Bucket List
I know lots of us have our various bucket lists of what we want to do before we graduate... partying harder; getting recognized to be the best dressed, best swagz, highest consumer of beer, etc; getting that boy's attention before y'all go your separate ways... etc. Yeah, I'm in total support of all that; let's get some carpe diem things in motion ;)
However, I have a list of some things that I consider essential to do before you graduate...
1. Learn to meditate
We all need a little zen in our lives
2. Write a letter of forgiveness
Life can go on forever, but then it might not... *shrugs* It'd be best to let go of all grudges before you leave school; be the grwon-up and write a letter of forgiveness...
3. Meet Your Department Head
Unless you’ve done it already, in which case you’re on a good path and I applaud you. For the rest of us, you'll be surprised at how handy your HOD can be to you even after you graduate; get to know the person who can help you out after school. It can only help you.
4. Edit Your Emails
As much fun as sExyChiCtoHbaD or cHiBoy007 was, no perspective employee will hire you. Go through your old addresses and get rid of the more, how shall I say, youthful ones.
5. Ask Out That Cutie
Listen, you’re never going to see them again next semester; heck there might be no next semester! If they say no, then you just fake a phone call and walk away.
6. Intern Immediately
If you haven’t already, now is the time. Start looking for internships straight away because there is no better education than actual experience. You can quote me on that.
7. Start Saving
I really don’t care if it’s a hundred naira a week, but starting a savings is good planning. You never know when you’re going to need that money to get out of a sticky situation…
8. Study Abroad
We all know how useful... (did I say very useful?) a foreign certificate can be. It's a very much welcome addition to whatever qualifications you've acquired...
And my list ends here! Now is the time for y'all to make me proud and start working on your bucket list... I have faith in you!
However, I have a list of some things that I consider essential to do before you graduate...
1. Learn to meditate
We all need a little zen in our lives
2. Write a letter of forgiveness
Life can go on forever, but then it might not... *shrugs* It'd be best to let go of all grudges before you leave school; be the grwon-up and write a letter of forgiveness...
3. Meet Your Department Head
Unless you’ve done it already, in which case you’re on a good path and I applaud you. For the rest of us, you'll be surprised at how handy your HOD can be to you even after you graduate; get to know the person who can help you out after school. It can only help you.
4. Edit Your Emails
As much fun as sExyChiCtoHbaD or cHiBoy007 was, no perspective employee will hire you. Go through your old addresses and get rid of the more, how shall I say, youthful ones.
5. Ask Out That Cutie
Listen, you’re never going to see them again next semester; heck there might be no next semester! If they say no, then you just fake a phone call and walk away.
6. Intern Immediately
If you haven’t already, now is the time. Start looking for internships straight away because there is no better education than actual experience. You can quote me on that.
7. Start Saving
I really don’t care if it’s a hundred naira a week, but starting a savings is good planning. You never know when you’re going to need that money to get out of a sticky situation…
8. Study Abroad
We all know how useful... (did I say very useful?) a foreign certificate can be. It's a very much welcome addition to whatever qualifications you've acquired...
And my list ends here! Now is the time for y'all to make me proud and start working on your bucket list... I have faith in you!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
1 Public Holiday, Zero Working ATM!
I'm seriously contemplating going for the next Gulder Ultimate Search; the one thing that I'll need to learn tho, is Swimming (which I don't see happening!). But all the other activities needed for survival? I already have skills in them, especially walking! The quest I got myself on yesterday was a revelation! This babe can waka! Which babe? Emi noni, emi ni! *grins*
So yesterday, in the evening to be precise, I suddenly remember that I need money if I intend to get anything done today and my wallet is almost totally empty... (who forgets that they're broke?! smh for myself). I went and dragged my friend, Operation Find A Working ATM! 'Working' being the emphatic word. We start from my estate... how many working ATMs? errr... none! Then we head on to the next estate... how manyworking ATMs?! None! No ATM at all! How ATM no go dey the whole of Gowon Estate... I just taya! (Correct me if I'm wrong o, but I didn't find none!)
You know yesterday was public holiday na... that was what made our 'waka' a very long and strenuous one. But na wa for 9ja sef... whenever there's a public holiday, if your store is not filled with food, you gonna starve! And if there's no money in your pocket, you're totally done for! I can testify!!! I was just wondering, why couldn't the banks put enough money in the ATMs to last a whole lot of people for the whole day?! I suffered yesterday o, right now my feet does not even belong to me! And I just feel bad for taking my friend on such a tiring and fruitless waka-about!
At one point, we couldn't walk anymore so we went and chilled at this Shawarma place... not a bad idea re-fueling! So this girl walks in... this really fat girl, as in, this girl is big! I don't have a problem with fat girls, all of us get our problems... some of us are too thin, some are too short, tall, dark, desperate... i only have a problem with fat girls that have a problem with slim girls... no be my fault say u no be like me na! Anyways she walks in and wants me to move my chair so she can pass, "Young lady... please move your chair" with this look of envy on her face! I look the girl, in my mind I was like "I go old pass this babe..." So because say I no get big stature like her (thank God!), she con address me as "young lady" with that look on her face... I didn't know whether to vex or just feel sorry for her... My friend caught the brief look of annoyance on my face and what he said still makes me laugh "Hey, don't be mad, there's a million names you can call her; there's only a few she can call you!" Hahahahaha... you do get the joke, right? And then I said something that my friend considered funny but harsh... I said I was gonna go tell the waiters to serve her nothing but "Diet Shawarma!" Yeah, I know, I'm just plain evil!
We left the place laughing like two crazy people... to continue the quest of finding a working ATm, our own ATM Ultimate Search; alas! I didn't find one! And so here I am, on my favourite couch... financially paralyzed... thank God today isn't a public holiday, I'll definitely find a working (and hopefully money-filled) ATM... but on the real, the necessary organisations/authorities should do something about getting ATMs to work on public holidays!
So yesterday, in the evening to be precise, I suddenly remember that I need money if I intend to get anything done today and my wallet is almost totally empty... (who forgets that they're broke?! smh for myself). I went and dragged my friend, Operation Find A Working ATM! 'Working' being the emphatic word. We start from my estate... how many working ATMs? errr... none! Then we head on to the next estate... how many
You know yesterday was public holiday na... that was what made our 'waka' a very long and strenuous one. But na wa for 9ja sef... whenever there's a public holiday, if your store is not filled with food, you gonna starve! And if there's no money in your pocket, you're totally done for! I can testify!!! I was just wondering, why couldn't the banks put enough money in the ATMs to last a whole lot of people for the whole day?! I suffered yesterday o, right now my feet does not even belong to me! And I just feel bad for taking my friend on such a tiring and fruitless waka-about!
At one point, we couldn't walk anymore so we went and chilled at this Shawarma place... not a bad idea re-fueling! So this girl walks in... this really fat girl, as in, this girl is big! I don't have a problem with fat girls, all of us get our problems... some of us are too thin, some are too short, tall, dark, desperate... i only have a problem with fat girls that have a problem with slim girls... no be my fault say u no be like me na! Anyways she walks in and wants me to move my chair so she can pass, "Young lady... please move your chair" with this look of envy on her face! I look the girl, in my mind I was like "I go old pass this babe..." So because say I no get big stature like her (thank God!), she con address me as "young lady" with that look on her face... I didn't know whether to vex or just feel sorry for her... My friend caught the brief look of annoyance on my face and what he said still makes me laugh "Hey, don't be mad, there's a million names you can call her; there's only a few she can call you!" Hahahahaha... you do get the joke, right? And then I said something that my friend considered funny but harsh... I said I was gonna go tell the waiters to serve her nothing but "Diet Shawarma!" Yeah, I know, I'm just plain evil!
We left the place laughing like two crazy people... to continue the quest of finding a working ATm, our own ATM Ultimate Search; alas! I didn't find one! And so here I am, on my favourite couch... financially paralyzed... thank God today isn't a public holiday, I'll definitely find a working (and hopefully money-filled) ATM... but on the real, the necessary organisations/authorities should do something about getting ATMs to work on public holidays!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Talk Of Phobias
#lateblog …my bad!
On Saturday, see me jumping up and down like Rumpelstiltskin… why? It was raining hard! You know what that meant, don’t ya? …hard time for party-goers, wedding-goers to be exact! Hehehehe… I really don’t think I can ever find the pleasure in dressing up and heading for a party, especially a wedding… yeah yeah, I know #weirdmuch
Anyways, there I was cuddled up on the couch, that sly smile still on my face, a blanket over my slim body and Agnes on my lap when two friends walk in. Gists flying all over my living room, from the Abia rape to the genital disappearance issue in Niger State, to other social happenings and school stuff! I was enjoying the discussions so much, in my head I was comparing myself to the folks stuck at a wedding in the rain, or those stuck in traffic in the rain… mehn! I was so better off! That reminds me of one of the few weddings I attended… this one I was kinda forced to go cos I had to go represent my Dad… that dude hates going to parties (now you know where I got it from!)… so, at the wedding reception, it began to rain elephants! The floors were getting muddy, dresses were getting soiled, I was looking around noticing the look of frustration on the people’s faces – that was when I noticed a small group of people on one side of the field praying so hard as the rain beat them so hard too. I asked what they were praying about that warranted their punishing themselves like that, and the woman sitting beside me informed me that they’re from the bride’s church, prayer warriors praying for the rain to stop so that the rain would not further ruin the wedding ceremony! Mehn! I didn’t know when I bursted out laughing! Hello? I don’t know o but that just didn’t sound so right to me… *shaking my head* God must be laughing up there too sef, some ridiculous things we ask Him for!
So my friends left and another came by just minutes later. More relaxing and weird gist… somehow, I found us talking phobias; and I couldn’t help but laugh at some of our phobias. I have phobia for snakes (Ophidiophobia), fear of heights (Acrophobia), fear of water (Hydrophobia) and fear of Third Mainland Bridge (thirdmainlandbridgeophobia… hehe!). My friend? He also has thirdmainlandbridgeophobia, and (this one really cracked me up) *pause for effect* fear of bending old women! LMFAO! Hahahaha! I know plenty of us are wary of them, but not to the point of having a phobia! ‘Na wa for my friend’, you say? Na real wa! True to his word, yesterday we came across an old woman and this guy just froze up! I was still trying to figure out what the problem was when I remembered his weird phobia, you can guess that I bursted out laughing again!
But seriously, I'm kinda scared of old women too o, after I saw 'Drag Me To Hell'... remember her?:
*sign of the cross*
On Saturday, see me jumping up and down like Rumpelstiltskin… why? It was raining hard! You know what that meant, don’t ya? …hard time for party-goers, wedding-goers to be exact! Hehehehe… I really don’t think I can ever find the pleasure in dressing up and heading for a party, especially a wedding… yeah yeah, I know #weirdmuch
Anyways, there I was cuddled up on the couch, that sly smile still on my face, a blanket over my slim body and Agnes on my lap when two friends walk in. Gists flying all over my living room, from the Abia rape to the genital disappearance issue in Niger State, to other social happenings and school stuff! I was enjoying the discussions so much, in my head I was comparing myself to the folks stuck at a wedding in the rain, or those stuck in traffic in the rain… mehn! I was so better off! That reminds me of one of the few weddings I attended… this one I was kinda forced to go cos I had to go represent my Dad… that dude hates going to parties (now you know where I got it from!)… so, at the wedding reception, it began to rain elephants! The floors were getting muddy, dresses were getting soiled, I was looking around noticing the look of frustration on the people’s faces – that was when I noticed a small group of people on one side of the field praying so hard as the rain beat them so hard too. I asked what they were praying about that warranted their punishing themselves like that, and the woman sitting beside me informed me that they’re from the bride’s church, prayer warriors praying for the rain to stop so that the rain would not further ruin the wedding ceremony! Mehn! I didn’t know when I bursted out laughing! Hello? I don’t know o but that just didn’t sound so right to me… *shaking my head* God must be laughing up there too sef, some ridiculous things we ask Him for!
So my friends left and another came by just minutes later. More relaxing and weird gist… somehow, I found us talking phobias; and I couldn’t help but laugh at some of our phobias. I have phobia for snakes (Ophidiophobia), fear of heights (Acrophobia), fear of water (Hydrophobia) and fear of Third Mainland Bridge (thirdmainlandbridgeophobia… hehe!). My friend? He also has thirdmainlandbridgeophobia, and (this one really cracked me up) *pause for effect* fear of bending old women! LMFAO! Hahahaha! I know plenty of us are wary of them, but not to the point of having a phobia! ‘Na wa for my friend’, you say? Na real wa! True to his word, yesterday we came across an old woman and this guy just froze up! I was still trying to figure out what the problem was when I remembered his weird phobia, you can guess that I bursted out laughing again!
But seriously, I'm kinda scared of old women too o, after I saw 'Drag Me To Hell'... remember her?:
*sign of the cross*
Sunday, October 2, 2011
: FreeDoM!!!
1st Sunday in October... Happy new month people! Church was great today... theme for this month? October, my month of freedom, indeed!
So I'm going to try to make this as short as possible... (no thanks to an impromptu meeting that I'm already late for!). What I grabbed from today's sermon is simple... and not so simple sha... we need freedom from not only stuff like financial problems, marital problems and so on, but also from small habits that have become addictions... I am putting this on here cos most of us do not know that some addictions that we possess have become obstacles for us to reach our goals and breakthrough... Addictions like porn (and all the other things porn can lead to), alcohol, and other tiny habits that make good people run away from us... I'm not gonna say more than this cos we all know ourselves and we know those ugly habits we got... at least I know mine, if you like keep denying and hiding in the dark and continue to let the devil bite you and at the same time blow air to where he's just bitten... ok, seriously no one should want that... so start praying and kicking against those addictions... #nuffsaid
...then I got home and two things were on my mind... cold garri and Naruto... my friend asked if the garri was gonna come with all the lovely additions like milk, sugar, groundnuts and stuff... well, it didn't cos I drink my garri plain, just like that! See, I took a picture:
:D... that was lunch and my friend called it "Garri For The Diabetic"! Imagine!
Now, I gotta run to that meeting, catch y'all later... x
So I'm going to try to make this as short as possible... (no thanks to an impromptu meeting that I'm already late for!). What I grabbed from today's sermon is simple... and not so simple sha... we need freedom from not only stuff like financial problems, marital problems and so on, but also from small habits that have become addictions... I am putting this on here cos most of us do not know that some addictions that we possess have become obstacles for us to reach our goals and breakthrough... Addictions like porn (and all the other things porn can lead to), alcohol, and other tiny habits that make good people run away from us... I'm not gonna say more than this cos we all know ourselves and we know those ugly habits we got... at least I know mine, if you like keep denying and hiding in the dark and continue to let the devil bite you and at the same time blow air to where he's just bitten... ok, seriously no one should want that... so start praying and kicking against those addictions... #nuffsaid
...then I got home and two things were on my mind... cold garri and Naruto... my friend asked if the garri was gonna come with all the lovely additions like milk, sugar, groundnuts and stuff... well, it didn't cos I drink my garri plain, just like that! See, I took a picture:
:D... that was lunch and my friend called it "Garri For The Diabetic"! Imagine!
Now, I gotta run to that meeting, catch y'all later... x
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Our Nation At 51
It's been raining since last night, and it hasn’t stopped… 9:30a.m., 1st of October. I would say ‘Happy Independence’ but there’s a lot of that going round on FB and Twitter right about now! Even on TV right now, they’re singing the National Anthem… “Arise O Compatriots, Nigeria’s call obey…” What call should we obey jare? I hear Abuja is almost empty, people have deserted their homes cos of the Boko Haram scare that Abuja will be blessed with bombs today! That’s a call to flee!
I wish I could take a picture of the ‘soup material’ – pepper and stuff that Mom bought yesterday, but it’s been blended already. My point is big money, small food quantity and of course, quality! That’s a call to starve!
ASUU warning strike is over, NASUU and SSANU are starting theirs on Monday… that’s a call to delayed and watered-down quality education.
Before I ran to Lagos from school, it was two weeks running without electricity. That’s a frigging call to boredom, plenty suicidal thoughts, unwanted pregnancies… just imagine all the things that can happen as a result of an idle and a mind going crazy. And don’t ask me if classes didn’t help with boredom… no lecturer came to class all the 2 weeks I was in school!
Let’s do a quick review since we turned 50… of course, GEJ became President *yawns*, strikes were and still are trending like a twitter topic; from lecturers to doctors to railway workers… you just name it! Floods in Lagos and Ibadan displaced and killed a huge amount of people… what did the government do about that? We know they can’t resurrect the dead, but what did they do for those whose homes were destroyed? Thank God say hurricanes no dey happen for 9ja, Nigeria for don almost wipe off cos provisions no dey for unforeseen happenings like floods or hurricanes. The hilarious part of the whole flood thing happened when spiritualists concluded that the solution to the Lagos floods would be to provide 50 virgins who will sing and dance to Bar beach to plead and beseech Yemoja or waheva.. bla bla yada yada! Y’all read that news, right?! Let’s move on… Corpers were killed; where else will you get killed for serving your nation (and I’m not talking going to war or anything like that) – only Nigeria! Then there’s the Boko Haram… we don’t need too much explanation on them, do we?! Think Boko Haram, think Abuja blasts, think Universities on bomb blast list… sometimes it amazes me how we are still sane, with all the pressure and things that we go through everyday as Nigerians… I think the answer is clear, we are miracle babies! I mean, how else can we explain the fact that most of us are not in mental homes yet! Did someone say Happy Independence? Forgive me if I’m not so excited about our birthday!
You sure say this rain go stop today? Even the heavens wept when we turned 51! #sadmuch
I wish I could take a picture of the ‘soup material’ – pepper and stuff that Mom bought yesterday, but it’s been blended already. My point is big money, small food quantity and of course, quality! That’s a call to starve!
ASUU warning strike is over, NASUU and SSANU are starting theirs on Monday… that’s a call to delayed and watered-down quality education.
Before I ran to Lagos from school, it was two weeks running without electricity. That’s a frigging call to boredom, plenty suicidal thoughts, unwanted pregnancies… just imagine all the things that can happen as a result of an idle and a mind going crazy. And don’t ask me if classes didn’t help with boredom… no lecturer came to class all the 2 weeks I was in school!
Let’s do a quick review since we turned 50… of course, GEJ became President *yawns*, strikes were and still are trending like a twitter topic; from lecturers to doctors to railway workers… you just name it! Floods in Lagos and Ibadan displaced and killed a huge amount of people… what did the government do about that? We know they can’t resurrect the dead, but what did they do for those whose homes were destroyed? Thank God say hurricanes no dey happen for 9ja, Nigeria for don almost wipe off cos provisions no dey for unforeseen happenings like floods or hurricanes. The hilarious part of the whole flood thing happened when spiritualists concluded that the solution to the Lagos floods would be to provide 50 virgins who will sing and dance to Bar beach to plead and beseech Yemoja or waheva.. bla bla yada yada! Y’all read that news, right?! Let’s move on… Corpers were killed; where else will you get killed for serving your nation (and I’m not talking going to war or anything like that) – only Nigeria! Then there’s the Boko Haram… we don’t need too much explanation on them, do we?! Think Boko Haram, think Abuja blasts, think Universities on bomb blast list… sometimes it amazes me how we are still sane, with all the pressure and things that we go through everyday as Nigerians… I think the answer is clear, we are miracle babies! I mean, how else can we explain the fact that most of us are not in mental homes yet! Did someone say Happy Independence? Forgive me if I’m not so excited about our birthday!
You sure say this rain go stop today? Even the heavens wept when we turned 51! #sadmuch
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