Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I shoulda posted this since Saturday, but I've been extremely busy that I go to bed tired every night... Ok, so on Saturday I found myself in church, from 11am to 5:30pm - it was Singles' Encounter. We have it once a year, a programme for the Singles.

So between 11am and 5pm, a lot was taught and learnt; I thought of sharing the 'Finding The Mate Of Your Dream' and/or the 'Sex' lectures with you but I decided against it... I chose the Teamwork/Synergy lecture instead, by the Pastor's wife.

Before we start, I have a confession:
The speaker was not gonna talk about teamwork in relationships; I think she was gonna talk about it in the context of the workplace or the church, but it just worked better for me thinking and applying it in the relationship context  -__- END OF CONFESSION!

"Teamwork makes you do better than you're doing all by yourself" - Pastor Dele Olatona. Well said, Ma! It can't be said better than that, folks!

Synergy means working together, simultaneous actions of different/separate people/agencies which together have greater effect than when standing alone.

The true essence of synergy  is to value our differences, and still be in harmony. (Is everyone in a relationship listening to that? Y'all are going to have tiny little quarrels once in a while cos y'all were born, raised and believe in different things/values... but the beauty of it lies when you can get over the differences and still be in sync!)

A person who truly wants to synergise must possess certain qualities. (In my head, as I was taking down notes, I titled this part WHAT YOU GONNA HAVE IF YOU WANNA BE IN SYNC WITH YOUR MAN/WOMAN [as the case may be] *insert smiley face here baring set of white, well-arranged teeth*)

3. WILLINGNESS to learn in order to recognise our own perceptual limitations. Desire more to hear than to be heard.

Other points include
*Relationships are strengthened when diverse people respectfully listen and learn form each other
**Synergising rules out an unproductive relationship (I Cor. 12:14-26)
***Unity is not sameness; but oneness

And at this point, we come to an end... I'm sure you can also find this helpful in your various workplaces, or wherever else you want to apply it... Haapy Workers' Day... Happy Synergising...

(as for me? well, let's just say 'Sync in Progress...')

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