Friday, November 4, 2011

Total Eclipse... and then Bright Light!

March 29, 2006

My first conscious eclipse… I heard one occurred in 2001, and I’m wondering where I was when it happened and why I can’t remember it. Anyways back to 2006, I was at work, my colleagues and I were anticipating the eclipse, so were other Nigerians. Warnings and instructions were all over television… when the sun comes out, don’t stare at it, you might hurt your eyes; don’t panic when it gets dark… and other stuff like that! But you know, people of my cognate are too curious for our own good. When I say cognate, I’m not talking blood here, I’m talking of folks that we’re related by certain qualities such as mischief, sometimes detrimental curiosity, etcetera… I’m sure you get the point! So, people of my cognate stared at the sun that day (and probably got blurry vision like I did for the rest of the day). Disobedience never does any good!

So that was it, my first eclipse. It was cool, having everywhere go dark and out-of-balance for a while; and then the bright sun that followed crowned it all… it was beautiful for me. Thank God I could still see even through my blurry vision.

October 27, 2011

My room in school became dark all of a sudden, and it was just about 5pm. It was about to rain, obviously. But it had never gotten as dark as that before, the clouds were almost black, had to use a torch to see. My curiosity got the better of me again, I walked out to the verandah, the cold breeze blowing my face. It all just reminded me of that eclipse in 2006 that I narrated above, minus the cold breeze. Then it rained for a moment, the dark clouds went away and beautiful light came streaming through the new clouds… it made me think and it brought a smile to my face.

What It Made Me Think?
There comes a time or times in our lives when things go dark and out-of-balance… and the skies might tear up over our heads and send harsh cold wind that knock the breath out of us; situations where you just break down and cry and it seems the rain will never stop; scenarios where darkness fills your world and you panic… yeah, there are times like that! I’ve had my own fair share of those times. But I’mma encourage you like I was encouraged on that rainy dark cloudy day and the day of the total eclipse (yeah, I’m nice like that, I love to encourage people *grins*)… 4 words: “and then bright light!”

See that image above? See that light trying to get out behind that very dark, almost-dreadful darkness? Yeah, that’s your light. The light at the end of your tunnel, the bright blinding light just behind that total eclipse you’re going through! It’s coming; wait for it… but when it comes, it can be overwhelming and imperceptible, don’t stare directly at it in the face (lest you wanna get blurry vision like me)… bask in it when it comes, take your time and enjoy the warmth before you totally embrace it!

Okay, enough “pastoring”, I love y’all. Peace!