Sunday, April 22, 2012


22nd April, 2012...

 NOTES BY: THE REBELKWEEN (yeah that's me!)

 When the Pastor announced the sermon topic, i felt a little weird; like yeah! of course God can be trusted, who doesn't know that! But then again I thought, maybe some people don't... hence this blog is for those who don't believe, who stopped trusting in God and/or those who didn't make it church service today (@diamondaces, #Godiswatchingyou... hehe!)

So I wrote down a few points ---

1. There is no promise that God made that He is not able to fulfill

2. We are heirs of promise (see vs. 17 of the text) by virtue of being Abraham's descendants

3. God swore by Himself to Abraham (see vs. 13), so definitely when He says He will bless and keep you, He will prosper and flourish you, He will take you to the top with speed that you have never experienced before... (feel free to add your own promises); He will definitely do it. Why? Because first, you are an heir to those promises (check point 2); and because God does not lie, He swore by Himself, since there was no other person greater/powerful than Him to swear by!!!

4. God is not in the business of disappointing or changing His mind. He does not deceive people. He can be trusted... (allow me to insert here>>> for those of you who have experienced/been experiencing disappointments and let-downs in your relationships, you now know where to turn to and why!)

JOB (a perfect example)

Job trusted God even when he had lost everything, even when he knew he did not know what he did to deserve what he went through, even when he had every reason to walk away from God - He still trusted God. He became a specimen for analysis and observation to prove that he trusted God. His faith stood strong and was unshakable! The shocking part is, dude didn't even have a Bible to read constantly to keep him going and holding on, no word of God to soothe and comfort him like we have today, YET he believed.

How many of us today who even have the Bible to read all God's promises to us from can still stay faithful in the face of the sort of tribulations Job went through?! How many of us believe that our much-awaited blessings are only delayed, NOT denied?! #ponderthat

*** Whenever you begin to doubt or despair, you must always remember and believe that GOD CAN BE TRUSTED...

These words restored, rejuvenated, re-established, re-gingered my faith today; I hope it does something positive to your faith too... Shalom people!

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