Sunday, December 4, 2011


Angelica Jacobs gets more than she bargained for when a handsome contractor falls through the roof of her Bed & Breakfast. Can anyone say foursome?


Workplace Hazards and Means of Risk Reduction in Bakeries… That’s my project topic. Been on it since March. Under normal circumstances, I shoulda been done with it by now, but having to research and also do school work, assignments, exams and being transferred from one Supervisor to the other, all at the same time doesn’t exactly allow for full concentration. My social life is at a total 0 as it is right now!


Evidently feeling left out, Ben sidled over to mold against her back, fitting his cock between her upper thighs so he could rub against her pussy. She hummed as she kissed Corey, loving the feel of two hands cradling her face while two more reached around her to palm her breasts.


Don’t worry, this is not two blogs being commingled, or maybe it is! *shrugs*. As I was saying, I couldn’t fully concentrate on one task, so going to the field for thorough research was outta the question. Therefore, I thought I’mma be best friends with my first love, Google. (Or was Wiki my first?) If only I knew what I was getting myself into!


Alcohol had dulled her wits. And obviously her judgment. Nothing between them would ever be the same after tonight, and she hadn’t decided if that was a good or a bad thing. By fucking her guys, she might be destroying her Dream Team. At that moment, she wanted them both so desperately, she wasn’t sure she cared. There was more to life than work, and damn, but she never, ever believed she’d think that.


As I had been doing since Chapter One, I typed in “Occupational Hazard, recommendation/solutions” into the Google search bar, I was referred to a couple of links; one of them looked promising, so I clicked away. I guess not everything that looks useful IS useful, cos these images came on my screen immediately:

plus plenty stories like all the ones in italics above, and below!

Wrapping her arms around Luke and Derrick, she grabbed their butt cheeks and pulled them into a tight formation with Ty firmly wedged between them. “I want to feel your balls on my face,” she said, her voice rough and breathless with lust.

Lifting their cocks to expose their soft sacs, they thrust their hips forward, caressing her cheeks and lips with their testicles.

Eeeeewwwww! I was left unbalanced for the next hour… and I totally abandoned my Chapter Five…

So currently, here is my profile:

Name: Faith ‘Ruby’ John

Occupation: Student

Risk/Hazard Exposed to: Unintentionally stumbling upon porn-related sites in the course of work

Damage Done So Far: Psychological (and maybe physiological) imbalance from reading texts as such above

I need therapy and compensation!!!

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