*geek glasses on, reads from a book*
According to John Stacey Adams (1962), employees seek to maintain equity between the inputs that they bring to a job and the outcomes that they receive from it against the perceived inputs and outcomes of others.
Inputs can vary from time to effort, loyalty, hardwork, commitment, ability, adaptability, flexibility, tolerance, determination, enthusiasm, personal sacrifice, trust in partner, support, skill, etcetera. Outcomes on the other hand should include consequences such as security, esteem, financial rewards, recognition, reputation, sense of achievement, praise, thanks, and cetera.
Equity theory proposes that individuals who perceive themselves as either under-rewarded or over-rewarded will experience distress and that this distress leads to efforts to restore equity within the relationship.
*puts book down*
Hey, hi… the subject-matter today is:
Equity Theory: Why Women Nag!
So that you and I (yes, you reading this) can get through this blog together successfully, consider me as a genderless individual right now. The only genderless human being you’ve ever and will ever know. Can you do that? Yeah? Merci!
Ok, I wrote a paper last Sunday, and one of the topics I was supposed to prepare for was ‘Equity Theory and Compensation’. As I was reading all the texts I had on this topic, my brain was quietly soaking the spermatozoa of ideas coming through to it, eventually it became pregnant with one major idea; and blam! this blog was born! *clapping with glee*
I’m sure you’re all wondering how I’m going to corroborate the reasons why women nag with employee compensation… well, I will. I’m genius like that! #conceited
Let’s start. I am going to assume that everyone reading this blog has been in a TRUE relationship one time or the other. And we all know that there are things, factors or elements we bring into the relationship in our bid to make the relationship work; we’ll just call those things our INPUTS. And we also expect some things in return? We’ll call those expected OUTCOMES. Are you with me?
I mentioned some inputs above that employee brings into the organisation they’ve come to work in it, we’re going to take those same inputs and talk about how girls bring them into a relationship. Time and effort, even the fake girlfriends are going the extra mile to impress that boy so they can ‘chop his money’, not to talk of the girl that really digs her man and cuts time with her gfs and even family to be with and for her man… Loyalty, Hardwork, Commitment; true girlfriends are committed to their man and loyal and faithful, they want it to work by all means… Ability, Adaptability, Flexibility, Tolerance; I know girls that go to learn how to cook just to keep their man, who try so hard to adapt and tolerate the dude’s sisters and friends… Determination, Enthusiasm, Personal sacrifice; to be sincere, it’s the girl that brings all the enthusiasm into the relationship, forgetting that it was the guy that begged and cried to date her, after she says ‘Yes’, she’s the one that’s so excited to be in the relationship, like she just struck gold! I’m not saying she hasn’t, some dudes are actually gold, but showing a little enthusiasm that the girl agreed to date them would go a long way… Trust in partner, Support, Skill; I think girls trust faster than guys do, and show support! Plus in terms of skills, I know girls who watch porn just cause they wanna know how to satisfy their man! Is that even right?!
Now, a girl puts all these into the relationship, maybe she even agrees to marry you, and she has your babies… what is wrong with giving her all the OUTCOMES I mentioned above, and more! Security in the relationship, Esteem and respect (in private, in front of your family and friends and the neighbours), Financial rewards (buy her stuff once in a while, take her out) Recognition, Reputation, Sense of achievement, Praise, Thanks – appreciate her, it’s not too much to ask for! Afterall, she said ‘yes’, she’s the one who’s body is falling apart cos she’s had your kids! And don’t tell me about body fitness and gym and liposuction and shit… cos all that don’t work in Nigeria (except you’re paying for it, yes you dude!). She’s the one who’s body is starting to droop cos of rigorous sexual activities; oh don’t even start to say you didn’t know that could happen! The only thing wrong with your body is the pot-belly you’re acquiring from excessive beer-consumption. You know what?! I take back what I said earlier, don’t see me as genderless… I am ‘genderfull’, I am a woman, a woman that’ll put all she’s got into a relationship. So I’ll nag if I don’t get what is expected or rightfully mine! Heck! you guys don’t even get stretch marks… and you still have the guts not to appreciate all the cooking and kid-raising, working part-time, feeding you, making love with you! You know what some girls get in return for all they do? Abuse – physical, emotional, psychological. Some get beaten, battered, badgered, raped for loving their man!

*breathes* Do you now see how equity theory and compensation explains why women nag? Maybe just as we’re getting the drooping bodies and the stretch marks, y’all are getting it too, maybe we wouldn’t nag so much!