Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Isn’t it weird that I’m shedding skin? Ok, that’s not what’s weird. What’s weird is I’m shedding skin, only on my left middle finger! Hehehe… keep that thought to yourself, ai? I don’t wanna be asked why or where the finger has been, please!

Anyways, I hardly shed skin (unlike my brother… he seems to always have a new skin wanting to come out almost every month!) – explains why I’m a little surprised at my left middle finger skin-shedding (let’s call it ‘my LMFSS’ henceforth). Do I hear someone asking “where is she going with this?” Where am I going? Nowhere! I just wanted to inform y’all about my LMFSS, period! Y’all can close this page now… bye bye!

Oh, you’re still here? Curiosity just wants to kill your cat, eh? Well then, let’s make this death a beautiful one, shall we?! *wicked laugh* (FYI, the codeine in my system is responsible for all of this; I am not completely responsible for everything I say on this blog, my Codeine Alter Ego is!) Let’s move on…

So I was staring at the middle finger in question, and I saw how wrinkled and old the peeling skin looked compared to the new skin underneath… huge difference! I thought to myself, since the old one is ‘kuku’ going to go off completely, I can just hasten things up myself and help it get off, so I dug my nails and started to lift and try to peel the weak and removing layer of skin… yeah, and I ended up injuring myself! Big surprise, or not!

And we come to the morale of this codeine-driven blog: Sometimes in life, we worry ourselves to death about issues that can and will absolutely take care of themselves! For example, years ago I used to date this dude, we were totally in love (I think)… then things happened and it was obvious we’d break up… I started to despair, panic and e’erything. I was so sure if we broke up, I would never find someone like him, ever again! I started to think then, would it better to hasten the break-up and just destroy everything once and for all, or should I just leave it and let it be a gradual thing… don’t ask me what I did, cos I ain’t telling… Or maybe I will – I chose the ‘hasten the break-up path’; and in the process a lot of hurtful stuff was said and done. Things that brought tears (and blood… once again, don’t ask!).

I am not about to announce a happily ever-after ending, that I found someone like or better than him… that’s irrelevant to you! What I wanna announce is that in my tiny little knowledge, at that period where I could say I exactly wasn’t mature enough to handle the situation, I worried about something I should have just let happen by itself, I hurt myself and someone else; however tho, life moved on after what seemed like months!

Some of you are not catching on… I’ll rewind… I wanted to hurry up and peel the old skin on my finger. Y? Cos my finger was looking ugly and… ugly sha! So I embarked on a quest titled ‘Avoiding The Ugliness’ – I started peeling the skin off myself! Alas, I injured the finger.


Years ago, I should have let the relationship run till it came to a natural, more peaceful death.
Today, I shouldn’t have peeled the skin myself… I shoulda endured the ugliness and watch the beautiful new skin come out by itself.

Most of us are scared that if you lose your partner, or your job, that would be the end for you! Let me tell you, what won’t stay with you to the end WILL NOT stay, no matter how much you force it! You shouldn’t be afraid of the ugliness that follows a break-up, in that ugliness you’ll find yourself… at least I did. I know now what to avoid, and what not to embark on anymore. And in that period of my ugliness, I sorta ‘finished’ myself… You know, when you go to Finishing School, and they teach you all these girly, ‘etiquetty’ things! Yeah, like that. I groomed and developed myself.
After the ugliness wears off, there’d be a new skin! A new you, and as time goes on a new man/woman *wink* A better partner, if you’re lucky!

Don’t try to help situations that can help themselves, everything in life has to do with stages – try to jump one stage, and you might end up in soup!

This blog is totally not for people who are being abused, especially physically, in their relationships. Y’all are free to jump all stages and get out of that relationship!

Yours sincerely,

Never trust brown bottles, especially those with ‘Codeine’ written on them…
*blowing kisses*

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