Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How Not To Be Bored @ Meetings!

Let's admit, after the first 20 (max. 30) minutes at a meeting (whatever kind - except for maybe other kinds of meetings that involve certain kinds of furniture, like a bed and pillow), the dreadful B starts to set in! Right?

No, 'B' doesn't stand for 'brainwashing' (or can it?)... anyway, I was talking of the B for 'boredom'. I know I've been bored at meetings to the point of yawning openly!

So I decided to put together some things one can do to stay unbored at meetings:

  • Bring your imaginary friend with you. One imaginary friend will do to avoid losing complete focus. Alternatively, you can bring you alter ego. I mean, even a grandfather like Charly Boy has an alter ego, so why can't you?! Although, bringing your alter ego would mean swapping personalities at intervals which could only add to the problem when people start to notice you! Well, good luck with that, I was just tryna help!
*** Barr. Jo, however, thinks having imaginary friends and alter egos points to "preliminary madness", but hey! show me someone who's totally, completely SANE in this part of the world.
  • If you're restless like me, then it means you can multi-task. If you can multi-task, then that means you've got a busy brain too... so to avoid/combat boredom, multi-think!
The practice or capability of handling more than one thought at the same time.

Hehe... So, you can mentally outline all the other things you want to do before the day is over (e.g. scream and breathe). Figure out what you want to wear tomorrow. Identify all the relatives you haven't holla'd at in forever, and make mental notes to holla soon (even tho the chances are you might not, at least not soon). Etc. Just let simple random thoughts run through your head.

  • Bring your own candy (in case there'll be none in the candy dishes, or  some other candy-glutton beat you to gobbling 'em all up). I favour Vicks Lemon Plus and Butter Mint. What about you?
*** Never bring chewing gum; you don't want to be embarrassed, suspended or be labelled 'unprofessional', do ya?

  • If there's a coffee-maker in your conference room, offer to be the... coffee maker! (Or tea maker, as the case demands). That way you'll be on your feet most of the time. Happily serve so not to be unhappily bored.
  • You can also occasionally glance at the Exit when you're about to lose it! Let the door serve as your object of solace. Repeat these words to yourself... "Do not panic, my dear, it's almost over". Then exhale!
Voila, those are my two five cents. I'm going to bed!


  1. LWKMD! D Rebel-comedian. Nice One. I'll apply all ur recommendations except the imaginary friend ish. if i try that in this office, with all the CCTV ish, I' l b made the clown of the week. Also, am not sure staring painfully at the door will help. If anything, it will transform boredom into frustration. In any case, nice write-up. Thumbs up

  2. Oops! Totally forgot about your CCTV situation. Pele!
